Crime prevention advice at Glastonbudget 2024
Local Police issue crime prevention advice at Glastonbudget 2024

The police in Leicestershire have issued crime prevention advice to those travelling to the Glastonbudget festival 2024. People can follow the @CharnwoodNorth Twitter account ( or go to the Glastonbudget Faceboook page ( for crime prevention advice for top tips on how to keep safe and secure at Glastonbudget 2024.

Sgt Stuart Parker of Charnwood Safer Neighbourhood Team said: “Glastonbudget is a really good natured event to police. We want people to come to the festival and have great time.

“Our message is simple – don’t make it easy for opportunist thieves. Please leave valuable items at home, and take any mobile phones with you when you leave your tents.”

Festival crime prevention advice

• If you can’t take your valuables with you when you leave the tent, leave them at home. Don’t make it easy for thieves.
• Put money, tickets, credit cards and mobile phones in a zipped pocket or use a money belt.
• Do not bring large sums of cash. Only bring what you need and keep it on you at all times.
• If you arrive by car, don’t leave anything on display in your vehicle including sat navs, car stereos, CDs or mobile phones. Don’t put items in your glove box or the boot, this is the first place a thief will look. Take everything with you or leave it at home.

If you have any information relating to crime or anti-social behaviour in your area please call your local police on 101**. In an emergency, or if a crime is in action, dial 999*.

*Some mobile operators may charge for this call
** The charge is 15p for the entire duration of the call from mobile phones or landlines

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